Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This afternoon, I came home early
And sneak slowly behind the back of my wife
And then I said ..
'Sweetheart .. I have some flowers for you'
'Happy valentine's day, dear'

She showed her happy eyes to me and smile ..
'Ow! I love them, honey ! Thank you .. thank you so much !'

But then she seems confused and said ..
'But .. I haven't prepare anything to give you'

'You don't have to', I said
'You've already gave me the very best things in the world everyday'

Fatmawati 13.02.06 7:47 PM
Jika engkau bertanya,
"Adakah hadiah bagiku di valentine tahun ini ?"

Maka aku pun kan menjawab,
"Seandainya bisa, aku ingin memberikan diriku menghabiskan hari ini bersamamu"

[karena aku tahu .. di dalam hatimu, itu yang engkau mau]

Fatmawati 13.02.06 7:32 PM

Happy valentine my dear wife,
I know our love has grown so much today ..
But I believe, I can use this moment
to once again expressing my feelings to you

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Ada masa di mana mata tak berani lagi diangkat
Dan tangan tak kuasa lagi terbuka
Di mana lutut tak lagi tegar berdiri
Dan mulut tak jua mampu berucap

Ada masa di mana segala daya sudah usai saja
Dan hanya tinggal harap yang memelihara

Fatmawati 13.12.05 9.39 PM
menjelang go live treasury

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

He roars : 'Soldiers! Prepare yourself! We are going to the battle'
And we say : 'Sir! Yes, Sir!'

But then ..

'Are we gonna win, Herb ?'
'Are we gonna survive, Herb ?'
'Do you think we'll be able to beat them , Herb ?'

There goes the question of my fellow officers

'I do not guess and I do not think about unnecessary thought'
'I just follow him .. my commander ..'
'And I know, I shall return safely and sound'

That's it
That's my answer

Fatmawati, 06.02.06 12:52 PM

[in memoriam of Sarman, my teenage sunday school student]