Saturday, July 30, 2005

There were times
when I think myself as a total looser
Lonely and fail
Ackward and clumsy
Times like this one

15.07.05 8:10 AM

I know ..

There were times
When you think yourself as a total looser
Lonely and fail
Ackward and clumsy

Times like those ones
when you forget that I was with you
And that I have choose you to be My precious

29.07.05 9:45 AM

Monday, July 18, 2005

Let me get you a mirror
So you'll know that it was not only my thought
When I said that 'You are beautiful'
And that 'You are worth to fight for'

Yes! You are beautiful and lovely
in every way you are

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Some emails can just brighten your day, let me get you an example ..

----- Original Message -----

From: Indri Lestari
To: Yohanes Saut R
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:50 AM
Subject: Hi my husband

Dear Hon,

How are U today. I think U're still the most handsome baby in the wold.

Keep Happy ya...

Love U,

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

[Puisi bulanan seorang demonstran - Juli 2005]

Tiga tulang rusuk retak
dan legam di kedua mataku
Tak akan menghentikan mulutku
Untuk meneriakkan kenyataan dan kebenaran ..

Bahwa rakyat susah dapat makan
Dan ribuan orang rajin jadi pengangguran
Bahwa wakil rakyat tidak menggunakan nurani
Dan pemimpin-pemimpin tak lagi peduli

Aku tidak akan berhenti !